Friday, October 2, 2009

being poor. totally a state of mind, and it's relative to your definition and a global definition. i know. i know it sounds very material and shallow but i feel like as a photographer, and someone who views my appearance still, as a form of art, this inability to dress how i feel although it has been shaped by fashion, has been limited. so the urge will be there to *want* those pretty ruffled skirts or tops, but i have felt this separation from clothing for so long, i feel like i'm in a time warp as well. the clothing does define an era and with it comes differing values and memories. so here i am, stuck in the early 2000s as a gothlolli mixed in with hippy raver with Tshirt and second-hand jeans.

i know my situation is ok. we can pay rent and the bills, but our quality of life has gone down because of the lack of extra fun stuff like going out to eat or me being able to dye my hair or buy makeup >_> which is trivial because i always stress inner beauty MEH!

sis stated the obvious that i'm too lazy to maintain my appearance, hence no make-up or hairstyle, or "product" usage. that one goes back to how i feel about female gender roles, my own role as a positive model for young girls and this lack of something called, "money." i have never had enough money to want to spare on my appearance. /sigh i feel it's not on the top three vital things for survival, and i'm just not used to putting effort into my looks. food, water, appearance? lol it's crazy to me, yet i know as a professional, you need to look presentable and one of the first things to be identified to your organization is how you look. gotta balance everything, i guess.

all-in-all, i'm rich in life experience and fulfillment@!! CHEESEY!

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